Audio Transcript
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Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com a tree inspired charms lovely bees caps and some open frame hoops so I'm going to start with the open frame hoops to begin with and they come in four different sizes in four different finishes so the largest one is going to be forty nine point five millimeters the next size down is going to be thirty four point five millimeters followed by 24.5 which is just slightly under an inch and the tiniest one is going to be eight millimeters they come in this great antique gold antique silver antique copper and a nice bright silver and I think these are really fun because i was looking at them and just if you even go like that hang them you can make a wonderful mod pendant or mod pair of earrings and I know Becky's done some fun things with these with resin as well we're going to show you those techniques in future videos then I'm going to move over here to these bead caps there's a whole bunch of different ones and I have a little earring that Becky did and she sent us and it's great to see how she layered bead caps so some of these are part of the new collection and some of these are some older ones but it looks really beautiful when you combine them together so again there in the four different finishes and we've gotten a corn and I show you what the underside looks like so even the underside has some great detailing and they've got these really wonderful big leaves nice scale to these guys and then we've got some ones which are nice petals you got the ones that have like a nice straight petal and then a little curved one as well and very versatile very easy to use I've been looking at these even thinking like how can I make a bead out of them by combining two of them I think just that would be so pretty too and then finally we have these nature-themed charms which would also make great pendants now these are all made of pewter and I'm going to show you how nice and thick they are and have they've got a really great finish on the back side with a nice big holes you can get a lot of different chords and stringing materials through these this first one is the Denali nice big branch right there followed by the North Cascades which has a pretty little like flower design on it over here we have the Guadalupe which is a nice spiral shell this one is one of my favorites I love how subtle the design is and this here is the rocky mountain up here we have the redwood just a nice single sprig and then finally we have this bird one which is a Shanah Tovah I'm going to hold up each of these so you can really see it so this got a nice organic shape to it which I think blends really well with the nature theme and again really nice thick solid piece again these are the Nunn design Fall collection pieces for 2016 they are available at beadaholique.com and we're going to have a bunch of videos many of them taught by becky herself showing you different ways of incorporating these pieces into your jewelry designs you
Hi, this is Julie with beadaholique.com a tree inspired charms lovely bees caps and some open frame hoops so I'm going to start with the open frame hoops to begin with and they come in four different sizes in four different finishes so the largest one is going to be forty nine point five millimeters the next size down is going to be thirty four point five millimeters followed by 24.5 which is just slightly under an inch and the tiniest one is going to be eight millimeters they come in this great antique gold antique silver antique copper and a nice bright silver and I think these are really fun because i was looking at them and just if you even go like that hang them you can make a wonderful mod pendant or mod pair of earrings and I know Becky's done some fun things with these with resin as well we're going to show you those techniques in future videos then I'm going to move over here to these bead caps there's a whole bunch of different ones and I have a little earring that Becky did and she sent us and it's great to see how she layered bead caps so some of these are part of the new collection and some of these are some older ones but it looks really beautiful when you combine them together so again there in the four different finishes and we've gotten a corn and I show you what the underside looks like so even the underside has some great detailing and they've got these really wonderful big leaves nice scale to these guys and then we've got some ones which are nice petals you got the ones that have like a nice straight petal and then a little curved one as well and very versatile very easy to use I've been looking at these even thinking like how can I make a bead out of them by combining two of them I think just that would be so pretty too and then finally we have these nature-themed charms which would also make great pendants now these are all made of pewter and I'm going to show you how nice and thick they are and have they've got a really great finish on the back side with a nice big holes you can get a lot of different chords and stringing materials through these this first one is the Denali nice big branch right there followed by the North Cascades which has a pretty little like flower design on it over here we have the Guadalupe which is a nice spiral shell this one is one of my favorites I love how subtle the design is and this here is the rocky mountain up here we have the redwood just a nice single sprig and then finally we have this bird one which is a Shanah Tovah I'm going to hold up each of these so you can really see it so this got a nice organic shape to it which I think blends really well with the nature theme and again really nice thick solid piece again these are the Nunn design Fall collection pieces for 2016 they are available at beadaholique.com and we're going to have a bunch of videos many of them taught by becky herself showing you different ways of incorporating these pieces into your jewelry designs you
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